The Story Behind La Pausa

The inspiration for La Pausa began with Adair’s husband’s family in Spain. The Vilella’s have a house called Villa De La Pausa. It is named after Coco Chanel’s house in France. Adair is extremely passionate about Europe, the Mediterranean, and all things revolving around the Ocean. Everyone needs a reset. The house is in S’agaro, Costa Brava. It is Adair’s magical place to re-align physically and mentally.

La Pausa Consulting - services for women-led small businesses
La Pausa Consulting - services for women-led small businesses

The Same goes with your Business. Your outer surroundings are a direct reflection of what is happening inside. If your home, business, and life feels like a mess then it is going to reflect to your customers. Let Adair help you to pause, reset, and examine the changes needed to move forward, so you can be successful and abundant.

Adair is on a mission to help as many Women Owned Businesses thrive. She is naturally drawn to the Health, Wellness, and Medical Spa Space. When she was 16 she was in a really bad car accident where doctors told Adair she would never walk again. Since then, she has been on a mission to prove them wrong. This experience led her to California and a career path in businesses that focus on helping the customers become the best versions of themselves.

Book Adair today to start streamlining & automating your business, so you can grow more, worry less, and create the streamline of income you deserve.